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Jusisweety on Wednesday, August 29 2012, 01:00 PM

Support of K2

Hello, the examples for K2 in your demo of "business 2.0": how can I create them? Do I need K2-extensions? Thank you for any answer. Rudi
The discussion has been resolved.
    Replied by zahir on Wednesday, August 29 2012, 03:51 PM · Hide · #1
    Hi Rudi,

    All the examples of the demo site are included in the quickstart package that comes with the template. If you have installed the quickstart, then you should be able to see how the K2 examples are structured.

    If you have not installed the quickstart package, then you will manually need to install K2 (extension download link is below) and then view the quickstart package to see how the content has been structured.

    Hope that helps!


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